What is available for Centre members?

Achievement Badges 

There are over 40 badges (including mini badges) covering a range of subjects.  Members are encouraged to train and collect as many badges as possible to improve their horse care knowledge and practical skills.

Progressive Tests

These tests are designed to be relaxed and flexible to give structured training in preparation for the Pony Club Efficiency Tests. The Progressive Tests are taken in modules at Bronze - Silver - Gold - Platinum levels in both Horsemanship and Riding / Road Safety.  For more information about the Progressive Tests syllabus please click here to go to the Pony Club UK website.  

Testing Day - looking smart

Efficiency Tests

These are the stepping stones of the Pony Club training system.  The tests begin at "E" Test and progress all the way to the "A" Test.  These tests are internationally recognised standards of attainment.  For more information click here to go the Pony Club UK website.